Welcome to your FORTYfication
Some people look at their forties as over the hill, others see it as the middle of the road. My belief is the FORTY is a new pathway. Empowered By Four Decades Of Life it can be a fast-track to success and of personal satisfaction.
There are many paths people have taken to get into their forties but they have added to their life experiences that is there to draw upon and share with others. All that you see in the rear-view-mirror on the drive might not be pleasant but they are experiences to draw from while planning your new route to the future. The more pleasant memories you create now the better it will be in the future looking back in that mirror of memories.
Empowered By Four Decades OF Life. FORTYfied is created with the belief that being FORTY is a powerful feeling and a state of mind. The goal is to be a guide to those tipping towards their forties and those who still feel the vitality of being FORTY (young at heart, mind, body and spirit). The focus is on EMPOWERED thinking, improving and maintaining health for age conscience FORTY year olds
and beyond.
I want to hear from people about their journey to becoming FORTYfied, what they are doing to continue to FORTYfy themselves, and what they hope for the future. I also hope to hear what else FORTYfied.com can offer to help you with this journey to a FORTYfied self.